Oh, boy!
Someone has written an excellent analytical rebuttal to the so-called "Family-Integrated Church" movement that is taking over a growing segment of the Christian homeschool movement in America today.
What Is a Family Integrated Church? by Pastor Shawn C. Mathis of Providence Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Denver.
I have been vaguely aware of the kinds of sentiments espoused by the movement's leaders. I have never done the kinds of fundamental research Mathis has done.
If you are running into some of the leaders of this movement--men like Doug Phillips of Vision Forum, and Kevin Swanson, formerly of Christian Home Educators of Colorado and now a plenary speaker at several homeschooling conventions--reading this paper will definitely be worth your time.
Sunday schools and day schools are all "variations of evolutionary hellish thinking"?!? --Read it for yourself. With references.
Genesis 1 and 2: "Straightforward historical narrative"?
I have been following Dr. Joel Duff's Naturalis Historia blog for some
Yesterday, he offered what I called a "concise summary of some key issues"
9 years ago