History, Religion, Epistemology and Communication
with a little Politics, Economics and Legal Theory thrown in for good measure. Plus . . . whatever strikes me as interesting or humorous.
The visuals and commentary are about two times too fast for me to follow with great understanding, and I don't want to take the time now to re-watch these videos so that I can understand exactly what she is talking about, but Vi Hart reminded me of a joy I used to experience many, many years ago. For various reasons, I abandoned the pursuit. It gives me pleasure to see that others, however, think along these lines. I never doodled the way she does, but I used to find patterns like these rather fascinating.
[Please note that I have embedded YouTube versions of two of her videos here in my blog--just to attempt to entice you to actually watch one or both of them. BUT . . . if you want to understand them and really get "into" them, I encourage you to follow the text links . . . because she provides useful Wikipedia links that explain the more technical terminology and concepts. The text links will also bring you to her website that includes a lot of truly remarkable videos and technical (and not-so-technical) papers . . . about math and music and . . . well . . . art . . . and things of beauty. . . and lots of other stuff.]
The visuals and commentary are about two times too fast for me to follow with great understanding, and I don't want to take the time now to re-watch these videos so that I can understand exactly what she is talking about, but Vi Hart reminded me of a joy I used to experience many, many years ago. For various reasons, I abandoned the pursuit. It gives me pleasure to see that others, however, think along these lines. I never doodled the way she does, but I used to find patterns like these rather fascinating.
[Please note that I have embedded YouTube versions of two of her videos here in my blog--just to attempt to entice you to actually watch one or both of them. BUT . . . if you want to understand them and really get "into" them, I encourage you to follow the text links . . . because she provides useful Wikipedia links that explain the more technical terminology and concepts. The text links will also bring you to her website that includes a lot of truly remarkable videos and technical (and not-so-technical) papers . . . about math and music and . . . well . . . art . . . and things of beauty. . . and lots of other stuff.]
Problems with Safe Deposit Boxes
I have been told that you want to stay away from safe deposit boxes for
documents your executor and heirs will need. I.e., store your will, your
living tru...
Husband to the wife of my youth (Proverbs 5:18) * Father of four * Grandfather of twelve born (eleven still living) * Author of Dating With Integrity * Co-founder and co-owner of InquisiCorp Corporation (Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd. and BookShark homeschool curricula companies
Crash Course in Love An “ongoing feud” between Charles A. Bonney, 63, and Victor L. Harris, 36, heated up in front of a Godfrey, Ill., shop. “Harris went down to the parking lot,” recounts Madison County Sheriff Sgt. Brad Wells. “Bonney followed him down to the parking lot and started ramming” Harris’s car with his own. “They were basically almost having a demolition derby.” Deputies reported extensive damage to both cars. Bonney was judged the aggressor and was arrested and charged with criminal damage to property. The subject of the feud? “The affections of a woman.” (Alton Telegraph) ...Right. For the feud to be over their cars, they’d have to be from Detroit or Los Angeles. Available in This is True: Book Collection Vol. 11
This Day in History
Veder Snaps Pulitzer Prize-Winning Burst of Joy (1973)
Taken at the end of the Vietnam War, Slava "Sal" Veder's Burst of Joy became a symbol of the widespread sentiment in America that the horrors of war were over and military families could begin the healing process. The photo captures the return home of Lt. Col. Robert Stirm, who had been shot down over North Vietnam and held as a prisoner of war for over five years. It shows his children running to greet him on the tarmac, his daughter with open arms. Why was the reunion bittersweet?More...Discuss
Today's Birthday
Robert Tyre "Bobby" Jones, Jr. (1902)
A practicing attorney, Jones was only an amateur golfer, yet in 1930 he became the only man to win four major golf championships in a single year and the only sports figure to be honored with two New York City ticker-tape parades. At 28, he had already won 13 major championships. He was hailed for his sportsmanship when he lost a major tournament by one stroke after calling a penalty on himself for an infraction that no one else saw. What was the infraction, and what tournament did he lose?More...Discuss
Article of the Day
The Royal Bengal Tiger
The Royal Bengal tiger is one of the largest and the most common tiger subspecies. The national animal of Bangladesh, the Bengal tiger is strictly protected and significant populations can now be found in both Bangladesh and India. Despite their large size, Bengal tigers can climb trees and are strong swimmers, often ambushing prey that is drinking, swimming, or that has merely retreated into the water during a chase. How much meat can a Bengal tiger consume at one time?More...Discuss
Quote of the Day
Fame is like a river, that beareth up things light and swollen, and drowns things weighty and solid. Francis Bacon (1561-1626)Discuss