History, Religion, Epistemology and Communication
with a little Politics, Economics and Legal Theory thrown in for good measure. Plus . . . whatever strikes me as interesting or humorous.
The visuals and commentary are about two times too fast for me to follow with great understanding, and I don't want to take the time now to re-watch these videos so that I can understand exactly what she is talking about, but Vi Hart reminded me of a joy I used to experience many, many years ago. For various reasons, I abandoned the pursuit. It gives me pleasure to see that others, however, think along these lines. I never doodled the way she does, but I used to find patterns like these rather fascinating.
[Please note that I have embedded YouTube versions of two of her videos here in my blog--just to attempt to entice you to actually watch one or both of them. BUT . . . if you want to understand them and really get "into" them, I encourage you to follow the text links . . . because she provides useful Wikipedia links that explain the more technical terminology and concepts. The text links will also bring you to her website that includes a lot of truly remarkable videos and technical (and not-so-technical) papers . . . about math and music and . . . well . . . art . . . and things of beauty. . . and lots of other stuff.]
The visuals and commentary are about two times too fast for me to follow with great understanding, and I don't want to take the time now to re-watch these videos so that I can understand exactly what she is talking about, but Vi Hart reminded me of a joy I used to experience many, many years ago. For various reasons, I abandoned the pursuit. It gives me pleasure to see that others, however, think along these lines. I never doodled the way she does, but I used to find patterns like these rather fascinating.
[Please note that I have embedded YouTube versions of two of her videos here in my blog--just to attempt to entice you to actually watch one or both of them. BUT . . . if you want to understand them and really get "into" them, I encourage you to follow the text links . . . because she provides useful Wikipedia links that explain the more technical terminology and concepts. The text links will also bring you to her website that includes a lot of truly remarkable videos and technical (and not-so-technical) papers . . . about math and music and . . . well . . . art . . . and things of beauty. . . and lots of other stuff.]
Problems with Safe Deposit Boxes
I have been told that you want to stay away from safe deposit boxes for
documents your executor and heirs will need. I.e., store your will, your
living tru...
Husband to the wife of my youth (Proverbs 5:18) * Father of four * Grandfather of twelve born (eleven still living) * Author of Dating With Integrity * Co-founder and co-owner of InquisiCorp Corporation (Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd. and BookShark homeschool curricula companies
And Justice for All It was the “jury pool from hell,” says Memphis, Tenn., defense attorney Leslie Ballin. When the jury was asked if any of them had been convicted of any crimes, many hands went up. One admitted he was arrested after he “almost shot” his nephew because the boy wouldn’t come out from under his bed. Another volunteered, “I’m on morphine and I’m higher than a kite” — and walked out. A third said he was arrested for soliciting sex from an undercover police officer on prostitution decoy duty. “I should have known something was up,” the man said, since “she had all her teeth.” After finally seating a jury, Ballin’s client was found not guilty. (AP) ...Though most of the jury was locked up afterward. Available in This is True: Book Collection Vol. 11
This Day in History
Egypt's Fuad I Transitions from Sultan to King (1922)
Fuad I was the first king of modern Egypt. Educated in Europe, he returned to Egypt in 1880 and founded the University of Cairo in 1906. He succeeded his brother as sultan in 1917, but in 1922, when British control of Egypt ended, Fuad took the title of king. The following year, a new constitution was established. Fuad later abolished it and frequently threw the country into turmoil by dismissing parliament. Under great pressure, he restored the constitution in 1935. Who succeeded him?More...Discuss
Today's Birthday
Andrew Jackson (1767)
The seventh US president, Jackson was a child of the frontier and lost his entire family in the American Revolution. He was just 14 at the time and was already a member of the local militia. After emerging from the War of 1812 a hero for his defense of New Orleans, he rode a wave of popularity to the presidency in 1828. He was seen as a champion of the common man, but he relentlessly displaced many Native Americans. His wife died weeks before his inauguration. Why did he have to marry her twice?More...Discuss
Article of the Day
The Vein of Love
According to tradition, the vena amoris, or "vein of love," runs directly from the heart to the fourth finger of the left hand. This belief has been cited in Western cultures as one reason why engagement and wedding rings are worn on that finger. The earliest known use of the phrase is found in A Treatise of Spousal or Matrimonial Contracts, published in 1686 by Henry Swinburne, who claims the concept derives from what ancient culture?More...Discuss