Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The conservative (evangelical/fundamentalist) Christian homeschool pope

Edited to add (7/5/2013):  After being "called" on calling Mr. Ham "Pope Ham," I have apologized publicly. (I [Edited 7/9/2013]still need to go went to him personally/privately on Friday, 7/5/2013.) I have also been able to state--I think more clearly than ever before--not only why his article bothered me so much but, far more importantly, what I appreciate about him and how and why I wish he would alter some of his methodologies. You can find that post here.


In the latest Answers magazine (p. 35), Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis, claims that Sonlight’s treatment of old- and/or young-earth and/or evolutionary creation is not balanced:
Already, two publishers—Sonlight and Christian Schools International—don't openly support a young-earth position. They claim to offer a "balanced" treatment, but it isn't.
He adds no commentary that would bolster his position. He simply makes the claim.
Note: In his primary article, Ham references an Atlantic magazine article that spurred a Christianity Today article where Sarita and I are quoted which, in turn, speaks of Sonlight as “an exception” to the curricula that emphasize young-earth creationist views to the exclusion of others. The Atlantic article mentions Christian Schools International; it doesn't reference Sonlight. However, the author of the CT article writes that
Sonlight . . . offers a diversity of homeschool curricula that allow parents to teach various theories of origins. "The YEC position is strong and ingrained in the homeschool movement," said Sonlight president Sarita Holzmann, who homeschools her children and believes in a young earth. "That might be to our detriment." She says students need to be able to evaluate different positions.
The author and/or editor of the article made several obvious mistakes in her comments about Sonlight.

For example: When it comes to origins, Sonlight only features young-earth creationist books and provides virtually no counter-balancing arguments against anything that those books say. The curriculum does include a few books in areas other than science that obviously assume an evolutionary perspective. The fact that the company simply carries those books seems to have led to its being banned from the Christian Home Educators of Colorado conference.

But rather than actually presenting full-blown arguments for the various theories of origins (as the CT article seems to suggest it does), wherever non-young-earth or pro-evolutionary references occur in its texts, Sonlight either refuses to assign those pages or it dutifully offers young-earth creationist "arguments" against the pro-evolutionary content.

Meanwhile, Sonlight does offer some mild notes of encouragement to non-young-earth-creationist parents as it "permits" or even "encourages" such parents (along with the young-earthers) to teach as they see fit.

But the fact is, there is little if any content in the curriculum that would enable students truly to "evaluate" positions other than young-earth creationism.

Indeed, even outside its curriculum, while in the past the company carried a few titles in the back section of its catalog that questioned a young-earth perspective, those books disappeared from the catalog several years ago.

Still, that, apparently, is not good enough for Mr. Ham.
Considering what Sonlight actually does, I would dearly love to know what Ham thinks “balanced” looks like. I am particularly curious because of what he says in the main body of his article (p. 34):
Does [what I have said] mean that homeschooling parents should never expose their children to evolutionary ideas? Of course not. Homeschoolers certainly need to address different views about origins and other controversial issues in their teaching, but they need to do so in the clear context that God's Word is truth and compromising views are error!
Ahh! That last phrase actually answers my question, doesn't it?

If I'm reading him accurately, a “balanced” presentation, from Mr. Ham's perspective, means one that not only “openly support[s] a young-earth position,” but vigorously opposes any other. And Sonlight doesn't oppose alternative perspectives vigorously enough. It offers too much legitimacy to such alternative positions.

You see, the truth is, Sonlight mildly--almost to the point of silence--does "address" different views about origins by simply defining viewpoints other than the young-earth perspective and acknowledging that some Christians hold these viewpoints. Moreover, it acknowledges that some Christian homeschoolers might hold such views and suggests that they can feel free to teach them.

And that, apparently, is too much for Mr. Ham.

Because the truth is, from everything I have seen, Sonlight nowhere offers opportunities within its curriculum--i.e., from within the books it carries or from its Instructor's Guide notes-- . . . Sonlight nowhere offers opportunities for opponents of the young-earth perspective to speak for themselves. It simply acknowledges that some parents might believe differently and suggests that they can teach as they see fit.

And that is what Ham and people like him disapprove. Sonlight does not come out strongly enough with statements to the effect that views alternative to or opposing a young-earth perspective are clearly "compromising" and "in error."


It strikes me: Ham seems to view himself much like a Pope. He has a lock on the Truth. He speaks definitively and infallibly concerning how the Bible is to be interpreted. Like religious leaders of yesteryear who were willing to burn at the stake those who held differing opinions about baptism; or like those even today who break fellowship over different perspectives on eschatology (pre-, post-, or a-mill; preterist; or whatever), so Mr. Ham seems bent on ensuring his followers remain separated from those with whom he disagrees.

If you agree with Ham about the age of the earth and the basic young-earth viewpoint, that's okay, but not good enough.

If you teach a young-earth viewpoint, that's not good enough, either.

You must never suggest that you "merely" believe in young-earth creationism. You must adamantly assert that young-earth creationism is true: THE truth. Indeed, you will have gone too far over to "the other side" if you even contemplate the idea that those with whom you disagree might have some potentially good reasons to view the Bible from a perspective different from yours, because--so Pope Ham has decreed--anyone who holds a view different from yours (i.e., different from Ham's) is, simply, wrong, "compromising," "in error." End of discussion.



  1. Several years ago merely stating that some Christian denominations allowed for a belief in old earth creationism or evolution (a fact easily proven with very little research) resulted in me being labeled "not Christian enough" to be a leader in my ostensibly inclusive Christian homeschool support group, even though I had not said anything about my own belief on the matter. Eventually I was forced to sign a Statement of Faith about the literal interpretation of the Genesis creation story, or leave the group (they decided to be exclusive). I've heard many similar stories since.

  2. I believe Ken Ham is not alone in his 'approach': It is okay - encouraged, even - to present our children with opposing views, BUT we must always conclude that a literal interpretation of Genesis 1-11 and YECism is correct. Leaving the conclusion open is not an option.

    In my reviews of the Jonathan Park Audio Adventure series ( ) put out by Vision Forum Ministries, I notice the same thing. 'Evolutionary' ideas are presented (sometimes incorrectly!), only to be ridiculed and dismissed. Judging from the popularity of this series among conservative Christian home schooling families I imagine they are patting themselves on the back for giving their children a 'balanced' view of the debate.

    This is probably also why Apologia is popular among Christians. Dr Wile presents alternative views, but ultimately still comes down on the YEC side. A 'balanced' approach, see?

    1. Ken Ham's Genesis interpretation is not "literal." This is another way he stacks the deck. The Hebrew doesn't say "24 hr days." He reads what he wants into the Bible and ignores all contrary scholarship.

  3. Yes, it appears that Mr. Ham is using a loaded definition of the word "balanced".

    Interesting to note that I found out about Sonlight Curriculum from a homeschooler I met at a Reasons to Believe conference. For those not aware, RTB is an old-earth creation apologetics organization. We picked Sonlight based mainly on their emphasis in literature (as our children are avid readers). For science instruction, we relied on Real Science 4 Kids, custom-made curriculum, and BYU (yes BYU) Independent Study. I too was flabbergasted to see some YEC curriculum which portrayed dinosaurs with Adam & Eve as well as going up the ramp on Noah's Ark! We hold to the old-earth creation position and intended to teach that to our children - all the while also informing them of the YEC and naturalistic views. Our intent was to insure that our children were ready for acceptance to state universities in all academic areas. Seems to have worked on our first child, at least, as she was recently accepted to four different state universities.

  4. Glad to find out Sonlight is OEC. I won't be purchasing from you or recommending you either. Your mocking attitude seems just as intolerant as you claim Mr. Ham to be.

  5. When our oldest was very small, I was thrilled to be given a copy of your catalog and, after investigating many other options, we have been using Sonlight from K up and we couldn't be happier with your curriculum. I'm sorry you guys are getting sucked into this. I strongly believe in YEC (your prepwork saves me enough time to write about this issue for kids), but you're not the first group I hold a different opinion on from Mr. Ham. The last thing Jesus' followers need is to start slinging a bunch of mud at one another.
    I know Ham is a prophet/perceiver type, for them either something is right on or it's dead wrong. Of course, the rest of us can see this is usually not the case in our fallen world, but we still need people with that kind of backbone.
    We also need you and your worldwide, find the best literature to train our children to think of all people as equals, viewpoint. If Ham ever did this to me, I'd do my best to ignore him. There are a few groupies, but they aren't likely to enjoy your approach to teaching in the first place.

  6. When someone quote a bible, people in church get offended. How many people in the bible, who has shared the gospels or spoke the word of God have been killed? I have never heard Mr. Ken Ham quotes something that is not in the word of God. We have to be very careful when we hear the truth in the word, it is not the opinion of those who is simply just quoting it. Mr. Kem never approached the audience as pope as you have suggested. But instead, he is teaching people to find the truth in God's word rather than how we always believed without checking in the word with our own eyes. I do not separate myself from the body of Christ over this issue, and Mr. Ken never suggested that, either. That is why he is always willing to discuss and explain his point of view with everyone. He even opened the wonderful Creation Museum for everyone to come. I appreciate Mr. Ken Ham's ministry.

    1. Very well said. After reading John's post above, he comes off as bitter and angry. Ken Ham is much more reasonable and thought-provoking, encouraging readers to check the truth of scripture. John is just wagging his finger and name calling.

  7. I will say I have used and appreciate both Sonlight curriculum and AiG (I have used Sonlight several years). I believe Ken Ham is presenting what he believes is truth in the article (and honestly, think about his audience! With Answers Magazine, he is addressing young earth creationists like me, who want to know what curriculum to use to teach their children), just as you believe you are presenting what you believe is truth here in this "rebuttal" of yours.
    I am rethinking my use of Sonlight and my hearty recommendation of Sonlight to others at this point. Not because of the article, but because of this blog post.
    What I am deeply saddened (and surprised) by is your name calling ("Pope Ham"-- really?!) and the anger and belittling I feel coming through your words in this post. Please rethink your words.
    I am praying for this situation. The enemy would love this conflict to escalate.
    In Christ,
    A Homeschooling Mama of 4

    1. Wonderful, thought out reply. I will also pray for this situation.

      Former Christian school Teacher

  8. Name calling does nothing for your argument.

  9. Truth is truth, you cannot change your stand on issues just because people have different opinions. Often the right stand is the unpopular stand. I have always appreciated Mr Ham's ministry. The only thing this blog post has done is made me decide to sever my ties with Sonlight. This grieves me very much.

  10. "Does [what I have said] mean that homeschooling parents should never expose their children to evolutionary ideas? Of course not. Homeschoolers certainly need to address different views about origins and other controversial issues in their teaching, but they need to do so in the clear context that God's Word is truth and compromising views are error!"

    So thankful for the reminder from Mr. Ham to stand firm on the absolute truth of God's Word!

  11. I think you would have been much better writing a comparison of the two perspectives, promoting your perspective than to resort to name calling.

  12. Considering, that you have descended in to name calling "aka Pope Ham". There is no reason for me to recommend sonlight to my homeschooling friends and families.

  13. How sad that so many see this post as name calling. The only person that called Mr. Ham "Pope Ham" was Mr. Ham himself, and yet people are attributing it to you. I have to wonder if they even read your post or just headed over to comment after reading Mr. Ham's post linking to it. For Mr. Ham to say that you called him "Pope Ham" is misleading at best and flat out dishonest at worst. For you to say that Mr. Ham "seems to view himself much like a Pope" is commenting on his attitude, not name calling. I'm surprised that people would be willing to give up a curriculum that they like over something like this. Mr. Ham's comments and actions seem to stir up an awful lot of discord among believers -- never a good sign.

    Regarding YEC vs. OEC, the beauty of homeschooling is the ability to teach our children to think rather than to digest pre-chewed bits of a one-sided perspective. To hang on to one viewpoint without being willing to concede that there might be logic or validity to another viewpoint doesn't teach children to think, but to swallow whatever is spoon-fed to them. There are many respected theologians and scientists on various sides of the debate, and refusing to give them any credit for intelligence seems arrogant. One may think that something is true, but to dismiss that the other side might have good reasons for their beliefs seems to be a trend lately in everything from curriculum to politics. Sadly, this kind of unwillingness to have intellectually honest discussions is resulting in adult homeschoolers that feel betrayed (if you don't believe me, read some of the posts at written by adult children from "good Christian parents"). Let's do our children the service of teaching them to think and seek the Lord as they grow to understand the world around them.

    1. From the end of the article above:

      "You must never suggest that you "merely" believe in young-earth creationism. You must adamantly assert that young-earth creationism is true: THE truth. Indeed, you will have gone too far over to "the other side" if you even contemplate the idea that those with whom you disagree might have some potentially good reasons to view the Bible from a perspective different from yours, because--so POPE HAM has decreed--anyone who holds a view different from yours (i.e., different from Ham's) is, simply, wrong, "compromising," "in error." End of discussion."

    2. I concede the point; I missed that reference somehow. Thank you for pointing it out.

      I still think that we homeschoolers do our kids a disservice when we don't teach them to look at all sides of an issue. After I posted, I saw this on the homeschoolers anonymous site and think it really hits the mark:

      "If you really believe that what you believe is true, then you should be comfortable with people exploring the arguments in a safe environment. Be their partner in discovery, not someone that holds them back from developing a broader understanding. Otherwise you may be surprised at what was suppressed when you are no longer there to restrain their intellects."

  14. I can't believe the disrespectfulness and rudeness towards another believer in Christ, despite your differing opinion. I will never recommend Sonlight to anyone.

    1. But it is okay for Ken Ham to denounce anyone that disagrees with him? To decry any Christian who believes different from him a "compromiser?" I don't know what is worse, the fact that the Christian world continues to support people like Ken Ham or that so many people's idea of "academic freedom" means not testing anything Ken Ham says and treating AIG materials as part of the Bible.

  15. Keep going Mr. Holzman. All these complaints about your style, but I have yet to see anyone here actually refute your premise. Ham didn't even disagree with you, really, about your critique of his hyper-exclusivity on the issue of balance. People who cannot refute claims spend their energy complaining about the style used to make the claim.
    The point is to educate our kids to walk in truth, not promote our little factions built on areas of secondary importance - and this age of the earth thing IS secondary - and Ham had built quite a stalwart faction.
    And some of you really need to read the article instead of just hopping over from Ken's blog to put a little smackdown on here. Sonlight does NOT in ANY way promote OEC. It simply acknowledges very passively the existence if it and doesn't make a point to demagogue those who hold to it.

  16. Though these comments are being moderated, and you are only publicising your supporters (which is disappointing) I hope that you are hearing the concern in your readers. I am not going to follow this conversation any more, but neither am I going to stop supporting Sonlight because of your article. Sonlight it a terrific resource for homeschoolers, and a great book list for non-homeschoolers.

  17. I have attempted to respond to the numerous comments at Thanks for writing!

  18. Wow.

    As this is my first year using Sonlight curriculum, this matter is of much interest to me. In an attempt to be as objective as possible in trying to understand this disagreement between your ministry and AIG's, I have taken much time to read EVERY blog post referenced and every ensuing link you have given in those posts.

    All I can say is that this thing has denigrated to brawling and the spirit with which you continue this fight is something you need to consider carefully, Mr. Holzmann. Is vindicating your company worth bringing shame to the name of Christ?

    I see degrees of fault on both sides, but I agree with Mr. Looy that it would be more profitable for you both to continue your discussion in private. I feel that this heated and verbose dialogue is not edifying to the body of Christ, nor to how we are perceived by a world that is already against us. Quite possibly, both sides may never reach an agreement, just leaving this mess "out there" on the WWW to be mocked by unbelievers. Surely, whatever happened to "turn the other cheek"?

    I am praying for quick resolution of the matter in a Christ-like manner by both parties.

  19. Ken Ham through his claim that he has "INFALLIBLY interprets God's Word" and his claim that ALL other Christians are "compromisers" has established himself as a "Pope" speaking "Ex Cathedra" from his Triceratops Throne in the Creation Museum and casting "Anathema's" and "Papal Bulls" against all those poor Christians that recognize that Pope Ham is in error. Ken Ham can get you kicked out of your Church and called a compromiser and Ken Ham can attempt to destroy your business but don't ever speak the truth about "Christ's Lone Vicar and Banner Of All Truth His Holiness Ken Ham"

  20. No wonder people are distancing themselves from "Sonlight". Name calling isn't attractive. I see an unwavering belief from Mr. Ham, but after using your products, I'm not sure what you believe or SL really believes. You fight evil with evil in your books. I'd prefer to use the gospel to fight.

  21. John, roll on over to PHARYNGULA, issue titled, HEY, KEN HAM, DON'T RUN AWAY. I stepped in to set the record straight. Both PZ Meyers and Ken Ham run away when confronted by mainstream science. Your homeschoolers are not advantaged at all by hiding the head in the sand. Read all Tim Heywood entries. Or go to and go to the link, JOURNEY TO THE THUNDERDOME. That will be easier because all the unrepeatable stuff is removed. Get a grip on your topic. Regards, Philip Bruce Heywood, B.Sc, (hons, Geology) ex. Geol. Surv. Qld. -- Ken's home State.

  22. I am a FORMER Sonlight user, but have switched to a more Christ-honoring curriculum. I discovered for myself that Sonlight does not promote a YEC view, but "sits on the fence" and tries not to offend anyone. By trying to be all things to all people, they lose their salt and light. Of course, that does mean more money for the company if they can appeal to as many people as possible, regardless of beliefs. After wandering through some of John H.'s blog posts, I was totally turned off to Sonlight and that is when I switched to something else. This latest post confirms that John seems to have forgotten what it means to be a Christ-follower. Name-calling is very unbecoming and does nothing to bring glory to God. I pray that John will end this feud he has with Mr. Ham and focus on making Sonlight a more Christ-centered curriculum.

  23. That address I gave in my first entry, , should read, . Sorry for the misdirection. If people go to that link, namely, "Journey to the Thunderdome", they can easily get the picture. Don't worry -- Ken Ham will have read it meticulously. Because it is totally scriptural from A to Z, he will not comment. He does have the wit to know that he can pull the wool most of the time -- but not all the time. He is a very intelligent man. And court cases, confusion, bafflement and contortion, follow him about. His history, like the creation account in GENESIS, is documented, on the record. He started off right here in Queensland, Australia, where I Iive. His legacy is comments like that of 'Anonymous', July 08, 01:41:00. Unless you are offending someone (in Ham's case, one's own intellect, everyone else's intellect, common sense, the Bible, the scientific method -- you name it) -- you are not Christ-honoring. As for the technical science thread running through the Bible, beginning especially at GEN.1:1: he never comprehended it in his whole life -- not up to this point in time, anyway. If dogmatic YEC a la A.I.G. is true, the Bible cannot possibly be. This ongoing deception about the Bible has all been exposed -- it's open for all to see, on the 'Net. Try, for example, "Three Questions 24hr Day Creation Science Should Answer" --published over on www. . Simple Bible quotes., Been in A.I.G.'s possession for 15yrs. Draw your own conclusions.

  24. I reject Darwin's theory of Evolution. It is comparable to a middle school level understanding of Biology. We now KNOW that all organisms have been engineered by the Almighty to adapt to their environment and reproduce AFTER THEIR OWN KIND...adaptation is NOT is LIMITED to it's OWN KIND. Small changes WITHIN a living organism has been observed by Darwin and others correctly. But where Darwin and all Evolutionists go wrong is assuming (because there is NOT ONE SHRED of KNOWN OBSERVABLE evidence) that change within a living organism is LIMITLESS. It is NOT. It is LIMITED to that organisms original composition. Example: there are over 100 dog breeds, but they are ALL dogs and cannot reproduce with ANY OTHER KIND of animal EXCEPT other dogs. ALL dogs came from the first dog God created (perhaps the wolf?) and have VARIED over time WITHIN their OWN KIND. Just like Genesis says, period. This could be said of ANY and ALL other living organisms. I reject DAY-AGE old earth creationism. It is EASILY disproven by a correct exegesis of Genesis chapter 1. Hugh Ross and others like him, while brilliant in scientific regard, are in great error on this subject and need to be corrected by the church NOW. The Young Earth Creationist (YEC) "movement" needs to be corrected NOW. It has become like a cult of sorts, with brainwashed Christians who are almost militant in their silly misunderstanding of science and scripture, when it comes to the subject of the correct exegesis of Genesis and of understanding modern science correctly within a Biblical context. The YEC "movement" hold onto a "theory" that NO OTHER scientists hold to except those who make a living "peddling" the young earth "theory" that the earth is only 6 thousand years old and that Genesis is teaching the first time creation of the Heaven and Earth. It is NOT. They are INCORRECT. It is TIME for the Church to take a stand NOW regarding the only correct view of Genesis. One that is held by over 40 Biblical scholars whom the world has known over since the beginning of the writing of Genesis up to this very moment. These scholars have been the most influential men of God who have every existed save our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. There is only ONE correct view of Genesis. All three views cannot all be correct. The Younger-Dryas event that occurred about 12+ Thousand Years ago, destroyed ALL life on this planet and is at least one of perhaps THREE major life ending events on the earth going back MILLIONS of years and represents a complete BREAK in ALL Life forms on the earth, thus DESTROYING the very BAD scientific "theory" that ALL life evolved from lower forms of life. What life? It has been destroyed and suddenly arose out of NOWHERE (seemingly) at least THREE TIMES throughout earth's geologic history with NO OTHER reasonable explanation than that God Almighty MADE (Asah) the earth and all the creatures upon it each and every time a new "world" was made by Him here on earth. Beyond this, I will defer to Mr. Sprugeon for now.

  25. Paul: Interesting comment. You obviously reject young-earth creationism, evolution, day-age old-earth creationism, progressive creationism (a la Hugh Ross). . . .

    I know there are other hermeneutical/interpretive ideas that various scholars have pursued. But I have no idea to what you may be referring when you speak of "the only correct view of Genesis . . . that is held by over 40 Biblical scholars." --Would you please reveal to what you are referring, and a source for finding out more about it?


  26. Below is my standard list of books all on one place, that I always recommend, but now feel there are some others to also add...including Allan Cornford's books The Rahab Conspircay and his amazing novel based on the entire grand Biblical story called From Rahab to Reveleation. Here are the links to them, including Dr. Max Younce's book mentioned in my post above:

    From Paul Glenn Cawley
